May 29
1. Ideally if you have ESX and a separate NAS

2. In one of the ESX guest OS, such as Linux, install BackupPC, then mount the proper directories from the NAS storage via NFS mount. Some Linux based NAS you have to do some work like 'Crack the DLink DNS323'

3. When setup BackupPC, follow this link. Please also setup SSH following the instructions. If you see no administration link in your BackupPC webpage, which means in your /etc/backuppc/ file you need to open the permission

4. You may notice some performance issue while running BackupPC in the VM guest. It's a CPU eater!

5. You can also "crack" your Linux based NAS, such as Dlink DNS-323, and install BackupPC directly in the NAS and run

6. Note that if you have to rebuild the NAS (ie, replace disk), which means you'll lose all of the backup data, then you have to re-install the BackupPC by running the and the re-create/re-copy all the .SSH files.

Dlink DNS-323.

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